Spider-man: Homecoming

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Yes, yes...I know. I was one of those few who watched Spiderman: Homecoming rather late & the review is probably long overdue when everyone else has done it before me. In this case, I'll keep it short & sweet.

This version of Spider-man is a re-boot from the earlier films fronted by Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield; now starred by Tom Holland. While I grew up with Maguire's version of Peter Parker (which I still adore except the poorly made 3rd movie), I thought Holland's depiction of the character was spot-on & THE BEST.

This film stayed away from the origin story; which by the way was a good move. It's Marvel attempt to fit into MCU & the team did a brilliant job incorporating Spidey as part of the Avenger (thumbs up for being true to the story). Holland was very natural in portraying his struggles as an awkward teen that as an audience, I empathize him. It was a relief that he didn't try too hard, unlike Garfield's cringey performance (urrggh!).

For the most part, the plot wasn't rocket science & it's formulaic. What it lacked, it was compensated with great acting, a solid script & staying faithful to the comics. There are a gazillion comic fans out there who yearn for movies that respect the original works & I believe Marvel Studios have done it again - pleasing fans year after year with their well-planned & executed MCU. And Sony Pictures have made a wise choice to not attempt another flop re-boot, by striking an agreement with Marvel to let them do the job.
Alex Kevin said...

This is one of the amazing movie brand which is known and seen by the whole world I didn't get chance to watch this movie on cinema but I watched it on spectrum standard internet and really enjoyed watching it with my family together.