The Mummy

Monday, June 26, 2017

Every movie studios are jumping on the bandwagon to create their own cinematic universe, when Disney has proved that they have the perfect formula for their MCU. Universal has announced their own version - Dark Universe.

The Mummy reboot is planned as a kickstarter of Dark Universe, with Universal taking a bold move to introduce a star-studded casts in this movie. The thought of seeing Tom Cruise did convinced me that the film might turned out decent.

I didn't quite enjoy the movie as much as I hoped for. The plot lines, script...I'm not sure where to begin to illustrate the weak execution. In short, the movie was not well planned & seemed rushed to introduce the Dark Universe to the audience.

Even big names from Hollywood failed to save the film, rendering their talent wasted for a 2-hour duration. When some of the great actors are being asked to deliver a poorly written script, it gets cringey no matter what. The Mummy is that kind of movie. And it's that sort of movie that it's not worth your 2nd time, even if it's watching from streaming sites or on cable TV.

Spoiler alert: What's with Tom Cruise's character becoming immortal through fusing with a demon? In my mind, Cruise possess the strong characteristics that does not need to rely on other godly powers to defend against evil. Precisely why I couldn't comprehend the screenwriter's take on this. Bad call.

With such a bad start, I'm skeptical how Universal will continue building Dark Universe without creating more flops. We'll just have to wait & see. But then again, is it really worth my 2-hour each time? Oh well...