A chance encounter with the Cruiser

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

After cousin bro's graduation ceremony, we left & headed to our usual dim sum restaurant for lunch. We were travelling on the LDP highway when suddenly a four-wheel drive cruiser was tailing us. Another one of my cousin bro who was driving asked if that vehicle is hitz.fm Cruiser; so I turned around & confirmed his statement. It's a coincidence that the Cruiser was travelling the same road as us.

It seemed that the driver & the passengers in the Cruiser saw me turning around to catch a glimpse of them. Guess what they did? The driver pressed on the pedal - increased the acceleration just to get closer to our car. And he started flashing at us using the headlights in order to get our attention. I turned around to look at them again - this time they started waving at us as their car got nearer each time. LOL. I waved at them too & burst out laughing XD.

I seriously couldn't help but laughed at their sillyness. Without wasting any time, I took out my camera cuz I wanted to capture a shot of the Cruiser & hopefully the guys in it waving happily at me. Now guess what they did again? They knew that I was pointing the camera at their direction & purposely drove closer to our car - without switching off the headlights - did some goofy pose & kept it there for about a few secs just to ensure that I took a pic of them. ROFL. So adorkable!

Not expecting their next move, the hitz.fm Cruiser switched to the left lane & moved faster so that our cars were parallel. Then, the guys started waving excitedly at us; at the same time checking out who's driving & the chicks ppl who responded to their silly acts. They seemed to thrilled about following us. Haha. In the end, the Cruiser took a left turn & headed off elsewhere. Even then, they smiled cheekily at us for the last time before they disappeared out of sight. Oh boy, what an experience it was~

Here's the conversation I had with my cousin bro (the driver) after the incident.

CM: Oh man...we should've followed them.
Me: What for?
CM: Who knows they might recognise us & give us shit loads of freebies. Or perhaps, concert tickets.
Me: There's no upcoming concert at the moment.
CM: It would be CDs, then.
Me: Nah. I don't need their CDs. Don't fancy much English songs nowadays.
CM: We could sell them. They're originals, y'know. *smirks*
Me: Right... -_-"
It was one of the most random incident ever happened in my life. This makes life's so exciting & bizarre, no? ^^